Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Ramlings in General

Well, it's Friday night, just 13 days before the show in Morganton, NC. I had to stop and do something else besides try and figure out what new items I want to make for the show. I've been taking inventory of the fabrics that I have and what I can make with them. But after a while, you feel like a dog chasing your tail. So many fabrics, sooooo little time. Sometimes I think it would be better if I just found the fabric, made one or two things and moved on, but experience has taught me that assembly line is the best way to go when you want to make a multitude of the same items.

I'm just a little down in the dumps because when I re-started to do the craft shows at the beginning of this year, I had a "friend" of mine who wanted to do them also. She crocheted the cutest little totes! But, she decided that she didn't want to do the shows anymore. I already had committed to several more shows -- she just didn't get the concept that you had to reserve your booth WAY in advance.

It was a perfect relationship for a craft business, I did all the sewing, hand-painting, quilting, etc. and she crocheted. No one was in competition and it brought diversity to the booth. Plus, I thought it was a lot of fun. My "friend" did not. She said the craft shows were too much hard work. I hope you noticed that I put the word friend in quotation marks. I have come to find out that the only reason she was my "friend"...well, not the time nor place for this rambling.

I am without a car at the moment and she had the van! Perfect! Now, I am racking my brain trying to figure out how to get three 6' banquet tables, canopy, and everything else needed for a two day show from Hickory to Morganton. My daughter and her boyfriend have a car, so getting the smaller stuff from point A to point B is not the problem, but the tables...Oh, well, I guess I'll figure it out. Wish I could just go to a dealership and buy a new car, but with the way MY economy is right now, it's going to be several months before I could afford that, unless I find a really cheap van or station wagon that I could just make small payment for a few months. Wonder if I could find a nice copper oil lamp somewhere and rub and rub. Ya' think the genie will come?

In the meantime, I will continue to work my full time job (at Cracker Barrel in Hickory) and sew, paint, etc. I WILL do the Morganton show and then the one in Taylorsville on October 3 (Art in the Shop) and then the Hickory Oktoberfest!!!!

"I think I can....I think I can....I think I can"

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